How to Sell Your Product or Service: Acquiring the Sales Mindset
Selling and marketing, how did I merge is with my love of Art: I love Business & Art! Weird combo, I know right? I was raised with an Entrepreneurial mindset by both parents and born with a passion for creating. I started life with these conflicting interests and passions. Often people and systems told me I had to choose between these two worlds. It was when I finally realised I am not just one thing, but multiple things that I began to develop a sense of peace in my life and mind. I became more focused, and things just started to flow together. It has taken me 30 years to finally begin combing all my passions and unifying them into one vision and mission.
I want to be a World Famous Artist.
For me to become this, I need to combine all my skills, both in Business and Art to achieve this.
I often meet artists, and they seem to lack the business side of things. It’s like they have this major block against all things involving money, sales and marketing.
If you are one of these artists you need to ask yourself,
“Am I really going to let the lack of one skill stop my vision and my dream?”
I hope your answer is no. I hate certain things. Like Excel and Accounting, but I need to get to a certain level of understanding of it if I want to be a business owner. And that’s what you are when you are an artist – a business owner, whether you like it or not. So I did a course and started getting good at Excel. Now I have people doing Excel for me, but I always know what’s what and how to navigate my way around and keep my eye on things.
Excel and accounting were never going to get in the way of my ultimate goal of becoming a world famous artist.
Anybody that knows me also know’s my personal favourite quote
“Jack of all trades fear of none.”
I want to encourage you to get good at the things that are standing in the way of accomplishing your dream.
In my journey, I am currently preparing for 3 International Exhibitions. First up is the London Parallax Art Fair. 22-24 Feb 2019. In preparation for this first international show, I am brushing up on some Marketing Skills.
I thought it would be great if I shared some of this with my fellow artists. Below is a video that is helpful and summary I made for you.
Summary: Selling and Marketing
- The way you think about Marketing will determine your success
- Marketing Success is 80 % Mindset and only 20% Technique and Strategy
- By selling you are helping the Economy move
- Selling & Sharing is the same thing!
- Change your mindset. You are not selling. You are sharing.
- Pressuring someone to buy is a sucky strategy.
- Don’t Push. Nudge.
- You are helping them. Offer Value.
When you have a negative mindset towards selling, you will start second-guessing yourself. This will lead to hesitancy. People will start thinking you don’t really believe in your product also known as your art and then they won’t buy. Have confidence in yourself and your product and people will buy it.

Read my story: Lillian Gray and her incredible story to become an illustrator: How hard can it be?