Have something to say: Finding your artist’s voice.
WORKSHEET PACK by artists Lillian Gray Coming Soon….
These worksheets and videos are part of our Visual Diary Series on Youtube. The Visual Diary Series aim to help you develop your own personal style and message as an artist. Be sure to check it out.
Get to know yourself better: a guide to self-discovery.
Self-Knowledge → Self-Discovery → Self Development
The goal of this worksheet pack is for you to understand and love your inner artist. To do this, getting to know yourself better is essential. This is a guide to finding your artist’s voice.
The question “Who am I?” can bring on a series of thoughts, emotions, and feelings, but what if you don’t know how to answer? Feeling lost or confused about who you are is more common than you think. Many artists struggle to find their voice because they do not know themselves. How can you find your voice as an artist if you do not know yourself? Finding your artist’s voice can be daunting but here I will help you through it.
The Queen of Selfies, artist Frida Kahlo knew herself to a fault. She did not shy away from self-discovery. Two famous quotes by Frida that I love are
“I am my muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to better.
Frida Kahlo
“I paint self-portraits because I am often alone because I am the person I know best.”
Frida Kahlo
The person who will never leave your side and be with you through every high and low – is you. You are with yourself ALL THE TIME! You enter the world with only yourself and leave with only yourself. You have the power to lift yourself or to destroy your life and potential. You might as well spend the time to build a lasting relationship with yourself.
Practice self-awareness, explore your personality type, identify your strengths and weaknesses and discover your true calling.
Honouring the greats.
“Find the smartest person in the room and stand next to them.”
Austin kleon
I am an avid reader, and these worksheets are a compilation of books I’ve read, workshops I have attended and the wisdom of exceptional coaches. I have summarised these coaches’ words and books to simplify the process into manageable bite-size chunks. However, I implore you to consult the resource list at the end of this worksheet pack to delve even deeper. Do some extended reading. I hope you find these tools as inspirational and life-changing as I have. Finding your artist’s voice is a journey.
How to get to know yourself better checklist:
- Determine your values.
- Identify your personality type.
- Identify and develop your personal metaphor.
- Discover your strengths and weaknesses.
- Write your life’s purpose statement.
- Strategic Artist Road Map
Getting up close and personal: sharing my story
I will share small titbits and anecdotes from my life throughout these worksheets. Using myself as an example, I hope it will demonstrate each exercise more clearly and encourage you to share more freely.
Resources and future reading
Atomic Habits. Tiny changes, remarkable results by James Clear. Penguin Publishing. 2019
Be so good they can’t ignore you by Cal Newport. 2012.
Deep Work: Rules for focused success in a distracted world by Cal Newport. Piatkus. 2016.
I surprise myself every day by Alain Willem
Steal Like An Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told Me About the Creative Life by Austin Kleon. Adams Media. 2014
The artist’s way by Julia Cameron. Macmillan. 2016.
The Values Factor: The Secret to Creating an Inspired and Fulfilling Life by Dr John Demartini. Berkley. 2013